Elena Chirila
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The War Beyond My Social Media Feeds: near or far?

video | 21 min | 2022

The project touches on the imagery and construction of narrative around the war in Ukraine and also its impact.

This work was an attempt to document the news that had an effect on my perception, the ways in which social media controls my understanding of war and how it is presented in the sources of mass media that I follow. In the first months of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, social media was flooded with content displaying violence, destruction, death and triggering images.

I find it important for us to consider that in a politically polarized society as in Moldova, struggling with the fear of a potential invasion, some of these news do no good, other than spread panic, manipulate and capitalize on a crisis.

photo: Between Two Wars exhibition view | satelit – GreenHouse | Iași, Romania 2022

The screenshots were collected between 24.02.2022-07.11.2022.